
Past Races

image shows Candice Jolly riding Drifter the 2023 1D Champion

Image: Candice Jolly riding Drifter - 2023 1D Champion.
Photocredit: Wibada Photo

Kathy Dickason riding Smoke to win the 1D for 2022. The image shows Kathy and Smoke turning the barrel with little room to spare.

Image: Kathy Dickason riding Smoke - 2022 1D Champion.
Photocredit: Grieser Photography

Andie Tindal riding Dually tied for 2021 1D Champion with Luis Sanchez

Image: Andie Tindall riding Dually Co-2021 1D Champion.
Andie Tindall shares the title with Luis Sanchez.
Photocredit: Grieser Photography

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